24 Hours

Each person has 24 hours. The Earth spins 360 degrees, and the day finishes. You get one. Tomorrow rises, but the previous vanishes. And each person grows one day older.

And then what?

Another day begins? Okay. The Earth spins once more? Sure. The sun comes up, and then comes down? Fair. It’s almost robotic. Lifeless. Repetitive.

But what about you? Are you not living a robotic life? Are you not lifeless, doing the same thing over and over again? You sleep. You wake. You get ready for work, and then you work. You spend the last few hours of the day for yourself. The Earth spins, the day ends, and your cycle continues the next.

“New day, new me.” But you can’t call it a new day, new me by doing the same thing you did yesterday into today and then tomorrow.

Is that what you call Your Life?

You could’ve died yesterday, you could die today, you could die tomorrow.

You had lived a whole day—for what? People age by the second. Not a single person reverses in age. And what have you done?